Volume 3, Issue 1 (3 2010)                   ijhe 2010, 3(1): 103-110 | Back to browse issues page

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Almasi A, Hashemian A, Amirpour E, Dargahi A, Mahmoudi M. An Estimation ofWater Consumption,Wastewater Generation and its Biodegradabilityper Capita, BasedonSocial Incomeand Meteorological Temperature in Kermanshah. ijhe 2010; 3 (1) :103-110
URL: http://ijhe.tums.ac.ir/article-1-140-en.html
Abstract:   (9686 Views)

Backgound and Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate water consumption, domestic wastewater generation and organic matter concentration, based on both, economical income and meteorological temperature.
Materials and Methods: The method of this study is descriptive and analytical. A checklist was used to collect data on economical income. Water consumption was obtained based on water bills. Wastewater generation and organic matter such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) per capita/ day were measured every four hours, during a day in three regions of Kermanshah city: Kasra, Ellaheiah and Taavon.
Results: Comparing water consumption in winter and summer showed significant difference in three regions, mentioned above. The water consumption was (398 ± 75, 291 ± 48 and 188 ± 50) for warm climate and (200 ± 25, 188 ± 35 and 140 ± 41) for three regions respectively in cold weather. In spite of an apparent difference in BOD in three regions, it was not significant statistically. Water consumption has strongly considerable relationship with economical income (r =0.988, P_value <0.001), while the generated wastewater in these regions were not different, statistically for warmclimate (220 ± 60, 204 ± 15 and 170 ±34), and in cold weather (170 ± 21, 158 ± 31 and 112 ±29), also the generated wastewater did not have considerable difference in cold climate. This study confirms that, the effects of these two parameters, i.e.monthly economical income and environmental temperature on water consumption, generated wastewater and biodegradable organic loading per capita/day is considerable. It was concluded that water consumption and wastewater generations were much more in warm climate than in cold weather.
Conclusion: Finally through this study the estimation of water consumption, wastewater generation and BOD concentration becomes possible, which is beneficial for establishment of water consumption.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2009/10/31 | Accepted: 2010/01/14 | Published: 2013/07/7

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