Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2014)                   ijhe 2014, 6(4): 471-480 | Back to browse issues page

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Karimi B, Rajaie M S, Ghanadzadeh M J, Mashayekhi M. Performance evaluation of modified Fenton process using Nano scale zero-valent iron in nitrate reduction from aqueous solution. ijhe 2014; 6 (4) :471-480
URL: http://ijhe.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5243-en.html
1- PHD student of environmental health, Department of Environmental health Engineering, School of health, Tehran University of medical Science, Tehran, Iran . MSc of environmental health, Department of Environmental health Engineering, School of health, Arak University of medical Science, Arak, Iran , karimibehroz@arak.mu.ac.ir
2- MSc of environmental health, Department of Environmental health Engineering, School of health, Arak University of medical Science, Arak, Iran
3- PHD student of environmental health, Department of Environmental health Engineering, School of health, Tarbat modares University of medical Science, Tehran, Iran
4- MSc student of environmental engineering, Azad University , Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (7770 Views)

Backgrounds and Objectives: Nowadays, global concerns about nitrate in groundwater and its adverse impact on health have increased. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of nitrate reduction from aqueous solution through modified Fenton process using Nano scale zero-valent iron. Material and Methods: This research was an experimental study and performed at laboratory scale. Nitrate reduction was conducted by advanced oxidation process of Fe°/FeІІ/FeШ/H2O2 at pH 2-10, contact time 10-90 min, nitrate concentrations of 50-300 mg/L, and the molar ratio of [H2O2]/[Fe] 0.5-5. The effect of adding H2O2, molar ratio of reagents, contact time, and pH on nitrate removal was examined and optimal conditions for each of these parameters were determined. Spectrophotometer Dr/5000 was used to measure nitrate in the effluent. Results: We found that the optimal parameters in our studywere pH 3, the molar ratio [H2O2]/[Fe°] of 0.5, and the contact time 15 min. By applying these conditions, nitrate removal efficiency at the retention time 15 min, initial nitrate concentration of 100 mg/L, iron concentration of 10 mg/L, and pH 4 for FeШ، FeІІ، Fe°، FeІІ/Fe°/H2O2 and FeШ/Fe°/H2O2 was 10.5, 27.6, 36.5, 62.3, and 74% respectively. Conclusion: According to the experimental results, it was determined that modified Fenton process using zero iron nano-particles can reduce nitrate under optimal conditions and this method can be used for the removal of similar compounds.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2014/05/26 | Accepted: 2014/05/26 | Published: 2014/05/26

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