IRANIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Current Issue: 2025، Volume 17 ،Issue 4 P-ISSN: 2008-2029E-ISSN: 2008-3718 Chairman: Alireza Mesdaghinia Editor-in-Chief: Kazem Naddafi Official Publication of the Iranian Association of Environmental Health |
Aims and Scope
Iranian Journal of Health and Environment (IJHE) is a quarterly scientific research publication of the Iranian Association of Environmental Health (IAEH) published by Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). IJHE publishes original research papers, review articles, case reports and technical notes. It publishes articles on all aspects of the interactions between environment and human health. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes but not limited to:
- The built environment and health
- Natural environment and healthNatural environment and health
- Health implications and monitoring of air
- Water and soil quality standards
- Water and soil pollutants and pollution and health improvements and air
- Environmental epidemiology
- Environmental toxicology, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
- Environmental health risk assessment and management
- Ecological risk assessment and management
- Emerging issues in environmental health
- Environmental pollution control systems and technologies
- Hazardous materials and toxic substances management
- Environmental management for vector control
- Environmental policy and management
- Food safety and hygiene
- Environmental health in disasters
- Psychological and social aspects of Environmental health
- Environmental law and ethics
IJHE is indexed and abstracted in the known bibliographical databases including Scopus, Magiran, IMEMR (emro), SID, DOAJ, COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics) and Ebsco.
- Year 2025
- Year 2024
- Year 2023
- Year 2022
- Year 2021
2013/08/12 - editorial board
Accepted Articles
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2025، Volume 17، Number 4
- Print ISSN: 2008-2029
- Online ISSN: 2008-3718
- Director-in-Charge: Alireza Mesdaghinia
- Editor-in-Chief: Kazem Naddafi
- Publisher: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Indexing Databases
Open Access Policy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly.